Memory Card Formats PS2 Memory card PS2 (original) See: Content Information Files - Saved Data Utility (PS3) ICON0.PNG in the table represents all the multimedia files supported by the XMB for this format like images, audio, etc.Raw copy from/to a real PS2 Memory Card using a Memory Card Adapter When exporting to USB the MC_Slot is extracted from VM2 an saved individually as a PSVĪdded a signature at the end of the file (out of the SFO structure) PARAM.PFD Signatures of some of the other files in the folder.ĭev_hdd0/home/ /ps2emu2_savedata/ /ICON0.PNGĭev_hdd0/home/ /ps2emu2_savedata/ PARAM.SFOĭev_hdd0/home/ /ps2emu2_savedata/ /SCEVMC0.VMEĬopied from dev_hdd0/game/ /USRDIR/SAVEDATA/SCEVMC0.VMEĭev_hdd0/home/ /ps2emu2_savedata/ /SCEVMC1.VMEĬopied from dev_hdd0/game/ /USRDIR/SAVEDATA/SCEVMC1.VME.PARAM.SFO Information about the Game Save.MC_Slot Inside a PS1 or PS2 Memory card, real or virtual, every one of the savedata items represented with an icon, A single savedata can use one or several slots in PS1, and always only one slot in PS2.Used as the file name when a single Game Save is exported to USB, e.g: BESLES-53702535953.PSV

Identifyer of each Game Save of a PS1 or PS2 Memory Card.Any_Other_Files Represents all the other files in the folder generated by the game with any filename and filextensions that are dependant of each game and can vary, e.g: "PROFILE.BIN"(in PS3 Game Saves) or "SECURE.BIN" (in Minis Game Saves) etc.The name assigned to the card when it was created from the "Memory Card Utility (PS/PS2)" in XMB.